You found us. Yet another venture capitalist, you might think. But we would like you to reconsider. Because we are yet not another venture capitalist. Even though the literal meaning fits our company like a glove. ‘Venture’ means ‘a risky or daring journey or undertaking’, and ‘capital’ means ‘wealth in the form of money available for a purpose such as starting a company’.

Rethink on investment

And yes, we do financially support selected adventurous companies. You can have your thoughts about that, but we would like you to rethink them. Just as we like to rethink the return on our investments: it’s not about money. We like to turn things around. All these companies turn technology inside out and common practice upside down. They have reached the pinnacle of technological possibilities. That is where we diverge from other venture capitalists.

Rethink on return

We dedicate our ‘wealth’ to science and technology that bring change to the world. We use our money to accommodate the gifted people at our companies. To help them be the best they can be. As far as we are concerned, they are our true capital. Our future founders. So, we hope you found us, because you would like to do business with them. Because you believe in their change to the world as much as we do. We have turned finance into faith.

Longrun capital

Money comes and goes, but the state of the world is a more valuable and lifelong investment. It’s about health, not wealth. That is what drives our investments, our risky and daring undertakings. That is what drives the companies that we have invested in. We like to upturn venture capital, to rethink the return on our investments. In the end we like our investments to contribute to a cleaner and better world. We turn finance into foresight.

Investment portfolio

We do not invest in an infinite number of
companies. We select and keep focus.
We serve a purpose.

Convert saline water into clean water.

Equity - full ownership


Convert ideas into products.

Equity - full ownership

INVERTR - Filtreco

Convert dirty water into clean water.

Brand – by WTH


Convert biocarbon into compounding additives.

Equity - large participation


Convert grey water into clean water.

Equity – small participation

INVERTR - TorrCoal

Convert waste into biocarbon.

Equity – sold


The investors and directors at our company have all made their mark in the fields of business, finance and technology. Their vast experiences have become the roots of our knowledge and capital. They make sure our companies are in good shape. They turn finance into fitness.